Saturday, 3 October 2009

Harringay Festival thoughts

Oh my, I have been neglecting this blog of late. So much to do these days with the site Harringay Online, PSA newsletters, studying, not to mention the small matter of organising birthday parties in Chestnuts Park for Little Miss E that I barely get time to sit and write my personal stuff.

Last night, finding myself in and on my own, I decided to make good on my promise to collate the feedback from Harringay Online members about the Harringay Festival held on a closed Green Lanes on 20th September.

Drawing all the positive stuff together, there was an overwhelming sense that, despite some obvious problems, what people had loved the most was the sense that we were having one big street party for the whole neighbourhood; chatting to old friends and being introduced to new ones, enjoying the sunshine, loving the lack of traffic on a normally heavily congested road.

Here's a couple of my favourite quotes:
I have lived in Harringay all my life (44 years) and this was the best thing I have ever seen in the area!

My neighbour, who has lived in the Gardens for 40 years just stood at the bottom of the road with a big smile on his face repeating his amazement that the event actually happened. Need to keep the community feel of the festival next year that was what made it feel really special.

The neighbourhood management team and festival organisers did a great job of pulling it all out of the hat in such a short period of time and I hope that they take the feedback we give them as an honest expression of our appreciation for the work and a desire to offer constructive suggestions for the next year...because there will be a next year, won't there? Please...pretty please

For photos of the festival, click here

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