Monday, 29 June 2009

The story of a fly tip: a tale of neighbourhood pride


Well, why not just leave it in the street?
After all, it will get carted away for nothing whereas if they made an arrangement for a collection, it would cost money. Sure you risk a fine if caught, BUT WHO IS EVER CAUGHT?

Saturday night:

Some time after the big storm that delighted and awed the residents of Harringay, someone nipped out and moved the chairs.
Was the thought something like this?

'Hmm, I must have fly tipped those in the wrong place. I had better move them to the usual spot or else the local busybodies might not realise I don't want them and call the council for me. After all that old dumped window disappeared last Friday...'

On Sunday afternoon,

our neighbourhood philanthropist My F Ly Tip decided he really didn't need that old bed any more and added it to the old chairs.

The busy body is conducting an experiment. She's not reporting it to Enterprise (although she did request a visit from enforcement) but waiting to see how much more junk her neighbours are going to pile outside her house.

No more junk was added overnight and the tip was removed on Monday afternoon. The guys clearing the rubbish had to put up with some furious horn honking and yelling by some young lady in a car, inconvenienced for a whole 2 minutes because she had to queue behind the vehicle that they were piling the rubbish into. They ignored her, personally I would have parked the van there and gone off to the cafe for half an hour. Maybe that's why I don't work for the council...

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