Friday, 19 June 2009

Checking up on Green Lanes

If you walked down Green Lanes last Monday morning, you may have been struck by the amount of rubbish and the fact that the waste wasn't collected.

Well, being nosey, when I spotted that there were guys with clipboards walking down and checking the rubbish, I went to ask them about the apocalyptic state of the road.

The waste collection had been suspended that morning so that enforcement and waste management could do a check on the traders, what residents were doing and the state of the street cleaning.

By the looks of it, what they found was not pretty and they had copious notes about what they discovered. I mentioned the cigarette litter and it was one of the things that they had picked up on, especially around the unkempt tree bases.

Let's hope that they can start find solutions to these problems.

The waste was collected late morning and Green Lanes looked pretty tidy by lunchtime, shows just how much work the street cleaners and bin men do to prevent the road turning into a giant landfill site.

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