Saturday 31 May 2008

A little more history. My first assignment.

Mid April.
My first month as a Community Volunteer
At first I found little to report then glancing out of the window one morning, I was astonished to find that a mattress had appeared leaning against the wall of the house opposite. Good heavens, how had that got there? I had only just passed on my way back from the nursery. These flytippers have cloaks of invisibility! Pushing aside a very uncharitable thought thought that the smartly dressed young people who share the house may have slipped it over the wall (no surely not), I then had to decide how to go about my first real to report.
And here I must admit I fell for the anonymous charm of the wonderfully transactional Haringey Council website and used an eform. I just didn't feel up to the cheeriness of a phone call that day. A day later, a lovely lady from the council phoned and assured me that the mattress would be spirited away by the Accord angels...which it presently was. On a roll now, I promptly reported the computer monitor that appeared, closely followed by the bookcase that was so thoughtfully left across the pavement one dark and rainy night.
Using my powers of detection, I surmised that perhaps a student had recently been doing a bit of spring cleaning and had to throw out that old Argos bookcase for the new Ikea Billy that holds so much more.
What a good thing that the old busybody at the end will just ring up the council and save you the hassle of sorting out your own rubbish. In fact, you are doing me a good turn. I literally have nothing better to do, so it keeps me out of mischief.

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