Monday, 15 June 2009

Go on holiday and not photograph the bins? I think not!

Okay, so I went on my holidays (which is why there was no update last week) but you don't really want to know about beautiful old towns and gorgeous beaches now do you?

The burning question is...what are the bins like?

Well, the recycling bins collect plastics, paper and card and glass and are situated in just about every spare little nook and cranny:

Portuguese recycling bins

but what drew my eye were the dog waste measures. There was very little dog mess about even in the towns. Prominent in the pretty beach side resort of St Martinho do Porto were these dog waste bag dispensers:

Cleaning up the poo

The streets as you can see were spotless but I wasn't sure what happened to the poo once it was picked up. There seemed to be no designated bins.

However in Leiria, these stylish dispensers and bins were in the pretty little jardim in the old town:

Doggie Style

Made of reflective stainless steel they blended well with the environment and had quite a classy look about them. Much better than cheap looking plastic primary coloured bins on lamp posts.

Owners are gently reminded to take a bag and keep their pooch on a lead (and no big signs warning of fines):

Okay so you do get some funny looks taking pictures of bins but I'm used to it now and its all part of a bid to collect good ideas from anywhere and everywhere be they Portugal, Portsmouth or Pimlico that can help us to improve our little patch.

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